In the journey of finding the best cable for your application, certain key design criteria can help you overcome several technical issues.

How do several design considerations, such as system and cable requirements, impact each other? And when should you bring certain manufacturers to the table in order to make the best choice possible?


In this webinar on demand Sander van Leeuwen, R&D Manager at DeRegt, shares:

  • Tips and tricks on ROV cable design throughout the webinar
  • Key design criteria for Deep Sea ROV cables
    • Function (19:00-21:30)
    • Deployment (21:35-22:53)
    • Depth (22:58-26:23)
    • Downtime (26:27-29:03)
    • Power (30:55-32:53)
    • Life (32:58-35:51)
    • Budget (36:00-38:24)
  • Two subsea applications:
    • Blue Nodules vs IHC SWORD (44:18-48:26)

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