Any object that moves through liquid is subject to hydrodynamic forces. When towing, these forces will exert themselves on ropes and cables, as well as the towed body itself, thereby limiting speed and depth.
Aug 8, 2019 1:21:12 PM / by Manuella Hoogendijk posted in ROV, ROV Cables, Whitepaper, Subsea cables, Cable design, Dynamic cable design, Cable solutions, supplier, development, higher speeds, Fairing, Manufacturers, methods, high performance
Any object that moves through liquid is subject to hydrodynamic forces. When towing, these forces will exert themselves on ropes and cables, as well as the towed body itself, thereby limiting speed and depth.
Apr 26, 2019 12:36:41 PM / by Sander van Leeuwen posted in Cable design, Testing, Dynamic cable design
There are many aspects to designing a dynamic cable. For example, a cable can be meant to move while in use, as happens when towing or because of wave motion. Other aspects are things like torque balancing, the load versus elongation properties, the crush resistance and fatigue life.
DeRegt delivers the best possible solution for any given situation. We provide custom-engineered cable solutions that are built to last to all markets, ensuring maximum performance over many years. Our products range from umbilical subsea cables to tethers for balloons.