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Transforming offshore wind to multi-use energy parks with cable pooling

Jul 3, 2024 9:26:45 AM / by George Brandenburg posted in Innovation, Renewables


As the world shifts towards renewable energy, innovative solutions are emerging to optimize energy generation, storage, and distribution. One such innovation is cable pooling, transforming offshore wind into multi-use energy parks. This blog dives into the concept of cable pooling, the challenges faced by these energy parks, and the crucial role Dynamic subsea cables play in these systems.

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Fiber optic transmission and sensing technologies in subsea cables

Feb 7, 2024 9:18:10 AM / by George Brandenburg posted in Innovation, Subsea cables



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Deep Sea Mining: the Seabed is full of Treasure

Aug 22, 2022 11:42:00 AM / by Marco Cano posted in News, Innovation, Deep-sea cables, Deep sea mining, Seabed equipment terminations, cables


Scarce metals and minerals that we will desperately need in the future lie at the bottom of the ocean for us to pick. Therefore, many countries are looking into the possibilities of deep sea mining: harvesting these raw materials at depths of kilometers. An important role is reserved for ROVs and ROV Cables.


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Blue Nodules: harvesting at 5.5km depth

Aug 16, 2022 2:15:00 PM / by Marco Cano posted in Naval cables, Innovation, Raw materials, Subsea, Deep-sea cables, Deep sea mining


The EU aims to reduce dependency on imports of raw materials. ROVs and ROV Cables play an important role in harvesting such materials in European waters.


For a cutting-edge EU Research Project, DeRegt was asked to join an EU-funded consortium of 14 companies. Industry, research institutes and service companies across seven different countries joined forces.

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How to prevent dangerous overheating in subsea cables

Aug 16, 2022 1:15:00 PM / by Manuella Hoogendijk posted in ROV, ROV Cables, Naval cables, Innovation, Umbilical products, Thermal analysis tool


Subsea cables are stored on land and (mainly) used in water. That means the temperature difference between deploying and retrieving can be high. Therefore, controlling the cable's temperature in-field is often a challenge.

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Three advantages of Early Supplier Involvement

Aug 16, 2022 9:30:00 AM / by Jeroen Romijn posted in ROV Cables, Innovation, Deep-sea cables, Cable design, Cable solutions, experience, service, supplier, manufacturing, development, research, test


Why is it important to involve your cable supplier early in developing your new product or equipment? At DeRegt, we often see customers who have succeeded in developing an excellent Sonar or ROV system but forget to think of the cables involved or underestimate their complexity. 

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